Business Valuation Services
We are a professional M&A advisory firm that provides high-quality business valuation services to our clients. Our team of chartered business valuators (CBVs) have extensive experience and expertise in various industries and valuation purposes. Whether you are buying or selling a business, planning for succession, resolving a dispute, or complying with regulatory requirements, we can help you assess the true value of your business and achieve your objectives.
Independence and Objectivity
We provide unbiased and impartial opinions that are based on facts and evidence, not influenced by any external or internal interests or pressures.
Quality and Reliability
We adhere to the highest standards of professional ethics and competence, following the best practices and guidelines of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CICBV).
Customization and Flexibility
We tailor our services to meet the specific needs and expectations of each client, using the most appropriate and relevant valuation methods and techniques for each situation.
Communication and Collaboration
We communicate clearly and effectively with our clients throughout the valuation process, providing timely and transparent feedback and reports, and working closely with other advisors and stakeholders.
What is included in a Valuation Report?
Our business valuation report is a comprehensive document that covers the following aspects:
Executive summary
A brief overview of the purpose, scope, methodology, and conclusion of the valuation.
Company overview
A detailed description of the company’s history, operations, products or services, management, ownership, and financial performance.
Industry and economic analysis
A review of the industry and economic factors that affect the company’s performance and prospects, such as market size, growth, trends, competition, risks, and opportunities.
Valuation methodology
A discussion of the valuation approaches and methods used to estimate the value of the company, such as income, market, and asset-based methods.
Valuation analysis
A presentation of the valuation calculations and assumptions, such as cash flow projections, discount rates, multiples, and adjustments.
Valuation conclusion
A summary of the valuation results and the range of values for the company or the interest being valued.
A collection of supporting documents and data, such as financial statements, industry reports, comparable transactions, and sensitivity analysis.